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Analysts divided on PSP launch

Sales of Sony's new portable underwhelms one analyst, while another predicts eventual victory over Nintendo in the handheld space.

Just one week after the PSP launch, the industry is already writing its reviews. Yesterday, in an interview with GameSpot News, Electronics Boutique CEO Jeff Griffiths called the PSP a "revolutionary product that is going to greatly expand the portable business," as well as the entire game sector.

This morning, two analysts chimed in with their own thoughts. One memo from American Technology Research's PJ McNealy gave his assessment of the launch, which he describes in cautious terms. "[The] PSP [launch] has been solid but not spectacular." "To put this in perspective," McNealy added, "while the PSP has been launched amidst much hype, the expected financial impact on the video game publishers for the March quarter has been minimal and, in our opinion, is more of a case of headline risk than actual material impact right now."

News source: GameSpot

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