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Apple to rebrand iTools as .Mac

omigod lol this news is so lame I decided to post it so we can all see how Apple lay down the law on copying where they see fit! Thanks AshUK for posting this in Back Page News on our forums.

Changes in recent pre-release builds of the next major Mac OS X update, Jaguar, indicate that Apple's iTools web services will be renamed at next week's Macworld Expo/New York.

Various references to iTools -- in Jaguar's System Preferences, Internet Explorer toolbar and other locations -- have been replaced with ".Mac," in a naming style similar to Microsoft Corporation's .NET services.

As it's unlikely that this month's Macworld Expo would bring a new brand and little else to Apple's set of free tools -- iDisk, Mac.com email and homepages -- the addition of new ".Mac" services is a very real possibility, and one source asserts that three more are on the way.

"I was shocked, to say the least," said one Mac developer who spoke with Think Secret on the condition of anonymity. "Can we possibly get used to this new, very confusing name?"

Representatives from Apple did not respond to requests for comment.

News source: Think Secret

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