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BitPay introduces modal windows for better Bitcoin payments

The Bitcoin company BitPay has announced the launch of a new invoice display option to make paying with Bitcoin even easier. The new display is a modal window which offers multiple methods of making a payment.

In describing the modal invoice, BitPay writes:

“When a customer goes to pay, the invoice modal drops down over the current order screen. This means that the customer never has to leave the merchant website or order flow. When the invoice is paid, they can move on to the next screen in the merchant's order form.”

The modal interface offers customers multiple payment methods. You can either scan the bar code which is displayed with a mobile Bitcoin wallet, copy and paste a Bitcoin amount into a wallet, or you can pay from a wallet on the desktop or a mobile device by selecting “Open Wallet.” Payments are confirmed with a "ding", which BitPay says it's “especially proud of”.

To set up the new invoice payment method on your site, you should:

  1. Add bitpay.js to your web page:
  2. When you create an invoice with a POST request to BitPay, BitPay returns the id of the invoice as part of the request response.
  3. To display the newly created invoice within a modal, pass the invoice id into the showInvoice method provided in bitpay.js: bitpay.showInvoice(id);
  4. The modal invoice will automatically update when payments have been received. In addition to the server IPN sent to your notificationURL, the modal iframe will send a POST message to the parent window that the status has changed.

You can find out more about the modal invoice on its documentation page. BitPay finishes the post claiming that it has some exciting new features coming down the pipeline that it can't wait to announce.

Source: BitPay Blog | Image via Bitcoin-Gator

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