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Kasparov draws chess match

Garry Kasparov vs Deep Junior : Man vs Machine. Certainly makes a good headline, but is that all that this is? Today, Garry Kasparov drew the 4th match out of 6, leaving the final conclusion a draw (both had won one game each). The prize money of $300,000 will be shared between the programmers and Kasparov.

So what does this mean for man, or rather computers? Back in 1997, Kasparov lost to Deep Blue, so does this result mean that computers have gotten stupider?! No! Of course not. It just means that Kasparov has learnt how to work the game - how to play a good game of chess against a machine. This isn't really a good measure of AI, Rather a measure of programming ability. Yet... its always nice to see a victory for us primates every now and again :)

View: Kasparov Homepage

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