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Microsoft VP: Smaller Xbox 2 will turn on Japanese consumers

Microsoft's Peter Moore says his company's slimmed-down next-gen console will feature a software lineup more in line with the country's tastes.

In an interview with Nikkei Business Express, Peter Moore, Microsoft's corporate vice president of worldwide marketing and publishing for home and entertainment, outlined some of the company's plans to make the next Xbox console more successful in Japan. First and foremost, Moore reiterated that the company's next-generation game console--casually referred to by media outlets as the Xbox Next--will be a lot smaller than the current Xbox console.

In the interview, Moore said that Microsoft understands why its console had won only a tiny sliver of market share in Japan even as the company's US market share rose to 33 percent as of June. One reason, Moore said, was that the large size of the console was unappealing to Japanese consumers. So Microsoft plans to make the so-called Xbox Next considerably smaller, with a more simplistic design. "We won't repeat the same mistake," Moore said. "The video game business doesn't end in one generation."

News source: GameSpot

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