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Publishers Take Game-Copying Software To Court

321 Studios got a lot of attention with its popular DVD X Copy software earlier this year. DVD X Copy is used to make backups of DVDs. Now three game companies (Atari, Electronic Arts, and Vivendi Universal Games) have teamed up to file legal action against 321 Studios other software product. That software product is called Games X Copy. This software is used to make backup copies of video games (sound familiar). The three companies are singing the same tune as the Movie Industry did a while back with DVD X Copy. Most likely 321 Studios Games X Copy will meet the same fate as DVD X Copy.

Three game publishers have filed suit against a software company marketing game-backup software, the Associated Press reports today. Atari, Electronic Arts, and Vivendi Universal Games have teamed up for the legal action against 321 Studios, which developed and markets a program called Games X Copy.

If that name rings a bell, it's because 321 made the news last year with its DVD X Copy software, which was a popular backup solution for DVD movies for some time. DVD X Copy was removed from the market by federal court decisions that deemed it in violation of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which forbids the sale of any means of circumventing copyright protections in digital media.

News source: 1UP

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