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Report: New operating system team leaders revealed at Microsoft

Terry Myerson is the head of Microsoft's operating systems division.

Even though Microsoft announced its division and executive reorganization in July, some of the specific changes are apparently just now being put into place. A new report from AllThingsD, citing unnamed sources, claims to have the list of the new leaders inside the operating system division at Microsoft.

Terry Myerson, who some believe is a possible candidate for the CEO gig at Microsoft, is still the overall head of the OS division. AllThingsD claims that Joe Belfiore, who previously was in charge of Windows Phone development, will now lead a team that will focus on phones, tablets and PCs. The apparent idea is to show there will be little difference between the version of Windows that runs on a small smartphone and the version of the OS that runs on a tablet, notebook or desktop.

The Xbox team will have Marc Whitten as its head, while Henry Sanders will lead a OS development team. Chris Jones will lead a service team inside the division. Internet Explorer head Dean Hachamovitch will stay in that position, but the report claims it is unknown which top executive he will report to in this new structure.

The story claims that the new Microsoft OS leadership team does not include a number of other Windows executives such as testing head Grant George, services head Antoine Leblond and company veteran Jon DeVaan. In fact, the report says some people inside the division feel that this new structure was rushed and are not happy that people such as George and DeVaan are being left behind. It is unknown if they will stay at Microsoft in new roles or if they will leave the company.

The change at the top of the Windows division is the third in the past year. Julie Larson-Green was named the new leader of Windows developmentĀ when Steven Sinofsky departed after the launch of Windows 8, but under the new Microsoft reorganization in July she was moved to lead the company's hardware unit.

Source: AllThingsD | Image via Microsoft

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