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Study: Unpatched PCs compromised in 20 minutes

According to a new study if unpatched Windows machines are left connected to the Internet, within 20 minutes that computer will become compromised. Compromised by viruses, spyware, adware, etc.... This is according to a study performed by the SANS Institute.

Is it true that within 20 minutes your unpatched Windows machine will compromised by malware, the answer is yes. A computer administrator for the University of Massachusetts performed a test, which later showed that within 20 minutes an unpatched Windows machine will become compromised. Last year the same study was performed, which stated that it took 40 minutes for a system to become compromised. With a 20 minute difference this has become a serious problem for users, especially if users don't patch their systems.

I can't say this isn't a surprise, but what else would you expect from the general public. A public that for the most part is running an out of date operating system, and doesn't keep up with updates or hasn't been educated enough to do anything about it. The answer is Microsoft is going to have to educate the general public on good security procedures. The same way Apple has to teach the world about using a mouse. This study also raises questions on next year's results. Could Microsoft's SP2 release affect next years results, or will consumers get more bad news?

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