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TGS 2005: Full Japanese PlayStation 3 lineup revealed

One of the biggest, and most unfortunate, surprises at the Tokyo Game Show 2005 so far has been the absence of any playable PlayStation 3 games.Sony Computer Entertainment released its full lineup of Japanese PS3 games at the show. The list revealed a massive amount of third-party support for the console, which is sure to heat up the next-generation console war with Microsoft's Xbox 360. Sony currently has 102 games scheduled or already in development for the PS3, with 71 publishers on board its next-gen bandwagon. One thing striking, if not terribly surprising, about the PS3 lineup is the massive amount of sequels it contains.

Konami already announced Metal Gear Solid 4 at E3, and now it's revealed a new Gradius game is in development. The company is also making a soccer game, most likely the first next-gen Winning Eleven. Namco also has a good lineup scheduled for the PS3, with unnamed fighting, shooting, sports, and role-playing games in the works. As for new games, Koei revealed it is working on two original properties for the PS3: an action game called Blade Storm: Hundred Years War, the latest brawler from Dynasty Warriors series developer Omega Force, and a racing game ominously titled Fatal Inertia. Surprisingly, not many companies announced games for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 at the Tokyo Game Show. Capcom reconfirmed that Resident Evil 5 (called BioHazard 5 in Japan) will come out for the PS3 and Xbox 360, and From Software revealed its newly announced game, Armored Core 4, is in development for both platforms.

View: Confirmed Game Titles (PS3)

News source: Game-Spot

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AutoPatcher 2K September 2005