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The Firefox development team returns from Redmond

Thanks to JJ_ for the heads up on this follow-up story of when Microsoft invited Firefox developers to Redmond.

Back in August, Ars reported that Sam Ramji, Director of Microsoft's Open Source Software Lab, invited members of Firefox's development team to the Microsoft campus. At the time, it was unclear whether the Firefox team would actually accept the invitation. Now, roughly one month later, we have discovered that a handful of Firefox developers did journey to Redmond, and one member of the team kept track of the experience in his blog. Over the course of three posts, Mozilla's Vladimir Vukićević blogged about what he expected from the visit and what actually happened.

The team's basic goal for the trip was to learn about the issues that they might encounter when trying to make Firefox Windows Vista-friendly. Before liftoff, Vukićević said, "We hope to get a chance to talk to People Who Know about all sorts of issues surrounding Vista, including figuring out how to work with limited user accounts and UAC, various compatibility issues, and how to take advantage of certain Vista integration opportunities." As you will see, Vukićević's wish came true as the Firefox team was met with several informative presentations and Q&A sessions.

View: Full Report @ M-Dollar / Ars

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