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RocketCake 3.2


RocketCake is a free web editor for creating responsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. No programming needed. No need to learn any HTML or CSS. Just click, drag'n'drop or type. But of course, you are still free to mix in your own code, if you like. Edit the website as it appears on your device. Switch at any time to view and editor it as on any other tablet, PC or mobile. Rocket Cake has built in support for all important HTML elements: image galleries, slideshows, resizable containers, stylish buttons, gradients, HTML 5 video, audio, and more.

Clean Generated Code

  • The editor spits out clean HTML/CSS code. You also can use it as base for your more complicated websites or template for your server scripts.

Breakpoint Editor

  • Specify your own break points to adjust the website just as you like. The flexible break point editor makes it extremely easy.

Professional Edition

  • There is a professional edition with the option to insert custom CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP code, user-defined breakpoint code and premium support.

RocketCake 3.2 changelog:

New gallery

  • The image gallery component has been mostly rewritten and now includes a ton of new features like:
  • Aspect ratio independent preview thumb images causing all images to look uniform in size even if they aren't
  • Close button icon for opened images (in layers)
  • Non-scrollable background when a layer is open
  • The aspect ratio option is of course configurable, also so that the gallery looks exactly like in previous rocketcake versions

Improved navigation menu

  • The menu now automatically positions itself so it won't go outside the screen area, no matter how large the menu on your website is. For example when you have a large menu and align it to the right of the page, the dropdown menu now will align itself automatically a bit to the left so that it is fully visible and won't overlap the right screen border anymore.

Hyperlink Previews

  • When hovering a hyperlink, the target URL of the hyperlink is now displayed as tooltip.

Possibility to change HTML IDs

  • It is now possible to change the HTML Id of every generated code element. This is a feature wanted by a lot of professional users. To do this, right-click any element, select "HTML Code...", click the "..." button and select "Change HTML ID...". You will see the change in the code immediately.

Updated mobile devices

  • New devices supported: iPhone 10, Samsung S10, and more. You can select these from the 'View' menu and on the bottom of the editor page.

New Templates

  • The editor now contains some new, lots of improved and more modern free website templates

macOS Mojave and Catalina compatibility

RocketCake now runs nicely on Mojave and Catalina. There have been some incompatibilities and bugs introduced by Apple in those macOS versions which RocketCake now detects and works around them. It also supports some new features in those operating systems.

In Detail:

  • Added support for DarkMode
  • On some systems, comboboxes like the font selection box wouldn't open somtimes. This is fixed now.
  • When clicking 'Preview', the Safari browser wasn't able to show the preview files sometimes. This works now.
  • The HTML Code and color on the font color buttons weren't visible sometimes. This is no longer an issue.
  • Mojave and Catalina had troubles uploading files to sftp sites, this is is fixed now.
  • Fixed a problem causing the font height to be displayed wrongly under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a problem causing the background to be shown black sometimes in new button dialog
  • The view with slider on the bottom of the HTML editor view is now a slider instead of a scrollbar

Lots of other improvements

  • The hint that the mobile menu is auto-generated is now a bit more clearly visible.
  • You can now press CTRL+B when text is selected and toggle between bold and non-bold font.
  • Numeric text input fields now have no max and min values by default anymore. Also, if the max value is set to the same value as the min value, no max and min values are used, so you can enter arbitrarily long values.
  • The MacOS version now looks nicer on retina displays
  • Lots of translations have been improved. The spanish, italian, frensh and russian translations are now much better.
  • Fixed a problem where sometimes in the generated HTML, whitespace would appear in some browsers between style changes due to pretty printing.
  • Fixed a problem causing Gallery 'next' image button not to work sometimes in Edge browser
  • Fixed a bug causing the web form text field not to retain its mode when set to numeric mode after loading.

Download: RocketCake 3.2 | RocketCake 64-bit | ~8.0 MB (Freeware, paid upgrade available)
Download: RocketCake 3.2 for macOS | 11.2 MB
View: RocketCake Home Page | v3.2 Release Notes

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