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Bing Chat has some hidden features, such as a way to play chess and more

A look at an early ChatGPT integration thats reportedly coming to Microsoft Bing

More and more people are getting the invite to test out Microsoft's Bing Chat AI. As a result, we are finding out the chatbot AI can come up with some interesting things for people to do. Here are just a few of them.

Create ASCII artwork

ASCII art created by the Bing Chat AI

We have already reported on this feature before, but it bears repeating. Bing Chat can create ASCII artwork if you ask it to draw something, or even ask it to show something to you. The artwork isn't exactly of the highest quality, compared to what we have seen of other ASCII artwork over the years. Hopefully that will improve with new versions of the chatbot.

Find recipes based on what food you have at home

Image of a Bing Chat session about finding recipies

Bing Chat can likely find you some new recipes to cook. However, Reddit user "offbeat85" posted proof that Bing Chat can find links to recipes based on the food ingredients that you have in your home pantry. This certainly could save folks some time, and some trips to the grocery store, if they have a limited amount of food and ingredients available.

Bing Chat can play chess . . . sort of

Bing chat playing a game of chess

You would think that Bing Chat would naturally be able to play a game of chess, like Hal-9000 did in 2001: A Space Odyssey. However, Reddit user "Ancient_Community175" managed to "trick" Bing Chat into playing a game of chess through some inventive inquires. Maybe Microsoft should add in a more direct way of playing chess with Bing Chat in the future, with several levels of difficulty.

Having said that, we will note that Hal-9000 did go way off the rails shortly after that chess game with astronaut Frank Poole. Just saying . . .

Bing chat can narrate movies by using Jira tickets

Bing Chat using Jira tickets

Speaking of 2001, Ethan Mollick had some fun with Bing Chat in a Twitter thread. He asked Bing Chat to narrate the movie, but in Jira tracking tickets. The result is some very entertaining reading.

He decided to keep the conversation going by asking Bing Chat to create a Jira narration based on Jurassic Park.

He also did the same with Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. He notes that the Galactic Empire would have taken down the Rebellion by following just three Jira tickets.

Bing Chat can use Office programs, but in a limited way

Bing chat creating a spreadsheet

Reddit user "MightEnlightenYou" discovered that in some situations, Bing Chat can access some Microsoft Office apps like Word, Excel and PointPoint. For example, you can download an Excel spreadsheet created by BingChat after it offers a list of figures. However, the chatbot does say that its access to Office apps is limited, and it cannot handle more advanced micros, or do things like create animations or transitions for a PowerPoint presentation. Again, it would be great if Microsoft would add more advanced Office features to Bing Chat, and there are rumors that the company is doing exactly that.

These are just some of the more interesting features and discoveries that users have found while testing Bing Chat.

Have you found any hidden features? Let us know and we might add it in a follow up article.

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