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Editorial Reflection

A lot of people died yesterday, Freedom and Democracy was challenged in a very harsh way by an invisible enemy, that enemy being terrorists who are rightly being called faceless cowards by most of the Worlds leaders. The pain and suffering is not yet over, people in New York and Washington are still on a round the clock rescue effort and are continuing to pull survivors and unfortunately the dead from the rubble that was once the twin towers of the World Trade Centre or the Pentagon in Washington. There were no survivors from the crash just outside Pittsburg. Reports are still coming in that a further 4 planes may of been involved in the attack and were shot down before reaching their destination targets, these are un-confirmed reports and I'm sure more will come to light as the investigation unfolds.

Let me clarify and make totally clear that we at Neowin stand behind the the victims, the injured and the families who have been affected. We are saddened by the loss of innocent lives; we showed our deepest sympathy and respect by halting all posts here on site so we can reflect on the many thousands of people that have lost their lives.

At the time of this posting 24 hours have passed since the initial attack, I want to thank everyone who submitted kind words of support in the 2 posts that followed the day's events. Also to our affiliates who backed us up by also calling a halt to posting, I felt and still believe it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. I also condemn the posts made by certain individuals who (maybe because of age) really do not understand what came to light yesterday. Those posts were moderated by all of the Neowin staff who kept tabs on the posts being made, some were deleted because they were plain heartless.

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Posting halted for 24 hours as a mark of respect