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Blue Screen of Death hits SP3 installs

Some reports are appearing which seem to suggest that that some users who downloaded the SP3 patch for Windows 2000 have experienced problems. (shock horror, news at 11! Ed.)

In the first case, a UK company attempted to install SP3 on two machines, one a Dell P3 550 and the other a Mesh XP 1.4. The systems, said the end users, have nothing in common but produced exactly the same blue screen of death – a message about a non page fault.

The Dell box was not backed up, so they had to re-install the entire OS. On the Mesh a backup was made, so when the BSOD arrived, the service pack was removed with the aid of a reboot, and going into safe mode with admin, where the service pack was removed. The company says to answer "yes" when prompted to back up your settings when the SP is first run to avoid potential calamity.

And in yet another change to the terms and conditions when accepting SP3, another reader (who had downloaded SP3) had said that Microsoft has significantly changed their terms and conditions, with this paragraph:

    "The OS Product or OS Components contain components that enable and facilitate the use of certain Internet-based services. You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may automatically check the version of the OS Product and/or its components that you are utilizing and may provide upgrades or fixes to the OS Product that will be automatically downloaded to your computer."
The user went on to say that acceptance of this means Microsoft can now auto-download code to W2K computers, without authorisation or knowledge, and he's decided not to install the patch because of the change. SP2's Ts&Cs had no such stipulation."

News source: The Inquirer

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