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DMCA comments published

The Register Of Copyrights resides in the US Library of Congress and has public rulemaking authority over copyright enforcement for all types of media -- all books, periodicals, plays, music, films, etc.

In that role, the Library of Congress lately solicited public comments on legitimate exceptions it should recognize to the anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Well, they received quite a few comments and have now published them.

The DMCA, one might recall, is that draconian law purchased by the major media conglomerates to extend their monopolies on music and movies right into your personal life, a step on the path to universal pay-per-use.

It's the law Russian programmer Dimitri Sklyarov was arrested for having allegedly broken -- even though he wrote his program in Russia, where it was perfectly legal. His employer, Elcomsoft, was recently tried instead under the criminal provisions of the DMCA and... they were acquitted.

View: Read more at The Inquirer

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