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Earin: A minimalists wireless Bluetooth earbuds

Sometimes you can find some of the most ridiculous things on Kickstarter, while other times you happen to stumble upon something that is so unique, that it probably hasn't been previously created.

While Earin isn't the first wireless stereo Bluetooth earbuds to grace the site, it is a unique product that is designed to embody the most minimalist approach in creating a set of wireless earbuds. Finding inspiration from the Ryan Reynold's film, Definitely Maybe, the creators of Earin have crafted an earbud set that focuses on one thing, delivering the best possible acoustic experience in the simplest package. 

The Earin earbuds use balance armature speakers that give you the best balance of superb sound and energy efficiency. The Earin is stored in a special capsule that will charge the units when not in use. The earbuds should last between 2.5 to 3 hours on a single charge. 

The Earin project has already met its goal of £179,000, but still has 34 days to go until it has completed its funding. If you want to get yourself a pair of unique minimalist earbuds, you can currently back the project for £​119. The Earin's are expected to ship in January of 2015. 

Souce: KickstarterImage via Earin
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