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Google's unannounced Chromecast update is being sold at Best Buy

Google is set to hold its October event in two weeks time, where it will presumably announce the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. Along with new phones, the firm is also expected to announce new Chromebooks, smart speakers, and possibly even a new Chromecast. If a new image is to be believed, we are getting our first real look at the unannounced Chromecast prior to its official debut.

The user on Reddit that posted the photo was able to purchase the unit at their local Best Buy. According to the poster, they went to the retailer to purchase a Chromecast when they spotted one that looked like it had different packaging and design. Upon taking it to the cashier, it wouldn't scan through because it wasn't in the system, and had a street date of October 9. They still allowed the purchase though, ringing it out under an older SKU.

The new Chromecast has minor physical differences, going for a more subtle look with a matte exterior and smaller "G" logo. While it's cool to have a product in hand prior to its announcement, it looks like Google has safeguards in place to prevent it from being used, as an update is required for the new Chromecast to work. The update will presumably arrive on October 9 to unlock the experience.

Source: Reddit

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