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ObjectDock 1.9

ObjectDock is a free program that adds a configurable, skinnable dock to Windows. Once installed, users can add short-cuts, display running tasks, and add mini-applets called docklets to their docks that can display weather information, time, system info, or much anything else. Stardock also has ObjectDock Plus which adds support for multiple docks, tabbed docks, system tray support, additional mouse-over effects and more.

ObjectDock 1.9 adds a host of new features including a Start menu docklet (for bringing up the real Start menu in the system tray), live thumbnail previews on Windows Vista, a new weather docklet, minimize and restore effects on Windows Vista, free-form screen positioning, a new graphics engine for massively better performance, reduce memory requirements, new tileable dock backgrounds, and much more.

Download: ObjectDock 1.9
Screenshot: Tileable dock background | Start menu docklet | ObjectDock explained
Link: ObjectDock gets a face lift in 1.9 | Home Page

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