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Preview: Black and White 2

The crew over at UGO has put together a great preview of Black and White 2. With lot's of news about the new and improved features that helped to make the original Black and White such a great game.

What Peter Molyneux is known for is taking big ideas and making them work. Take the original Black and White. I can just hear the pitch meeting to Electronic Arts where he described being able to build towns, control hordes of villagers, raise a giant monster, teach that giant monster right from wrong (or vice versa), cast miracles, fight against rival gods, go bowling and who can count what else? Odds are, anyone hearing this would've thought that it was simply too ambitious for a PC game. But he pulled it out.

Well, sort of. While Molyneux and his crew at Lionhead delivered on all they had promised, it was a little too much for anyone to handle. Bugs and frustration plagued the game as players were constantly rushing to keep their cities from being pressed like grapes in a hideous homage to I Love Lucy. Even Molyneux admits that he went a little overboard on the micromanagement, forcing players to assign every little person with an individual task.

Screenshot: >> Click here

News source: UGO

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