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The Sims ported to Linux

Thanks to configure, the hardcore Linux fan :D, for the heads up! MandrakeSoft, publisher of the premier, user-friendly Mandrake Linux operating system, and TransGaming Technologies, developers of software portability solutions that seamlessly allow cutting edge games to operate on the Linux platform, announce the release of the Mandrake Linux Gaming Edition. Designed specifically for gamers, this release bundles Mandrake Linux 8.1 Standard Edition, the newest version of the award winning Mandrake Linux operating system, with Electronic Arts' The Sims, the wildly popular virtual simulation game that allows players to create a neighborhood of simulated people known as "Sims" and control their lives.

The TransGaming portability technology incorporated with the Mandrake Linux Gaming Edition enables Linux players of The Sims to fully interact with the Windows based Sims world. For example, players will be able to seamlessly download Sims household furnishings, clothes and accessories from the same sites as their Windows counterparts, and then post their story lines on hundreds of existing fan sites. While the Sims is bundled with the Mandrake Linux Gaming Edition, TransGaming's portability technology and subscription services also allow users to play many other popular Windows games, some of which are listed but not included in the package.

TransGaming Technologies develops unique software portability solutions that seamlessly allow high demand games to operate on the Linux platform. Coupled with additional products and services that cater to both the avid gamer and the casual to sophisticated Linux user, TransGaming's objective is to deliver the highest-quality, highest-demand gaming titles to the Linux community. The company was founded in 2000 and has offices in Ottawa and Toronto, Canada.

News source: The rest @ MandrakeSoft

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