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Bush spooks ogle Britney

In creating a Britney Spears web site to draw users to his main web site, webmaster Daniel Rhodes was stunned when he discovered that his Britney Spears website was being monitored by spooks in the White House.

On looking at his logs for the site, Daniel noticed some log enteries which seemed to point to the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The log enteries detailed 'sseop102', and as Daniel has said on his web site "Since there was a repeat of the EOP, I disregarded that and looked at the 'SS' part. When I think about the president, and then the initials 'ss', the Secret Service comes to mind."

Rhodes said he was shocked because it would appear that a secret service agent was surfing Britney Spears fan websites while on duty. "One must wonder what exactly the agent was looking for - porn? The site was only visited once, and the agent did not appear to go any further into the site, thus indicating that they did not find what they were looking for," he said.

News source: vnunet

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