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Microsoft announces Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3

The Visual Studio logo on a purple background

Microsoft earlier announced the availability of Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 before swiftly pausing downloads over issues with its content delivery network (CDN). The new update, which should soon be available to download again introduces new features such as a new project designer, improvements to the dark theme, and support for new project types for front-end development with React and Vue.js.

The first preview of Visual Studio 2022 was launched back in June with a particular focus on 64-bit Windows support but the next two releases have been adding new features. One of the biggest changes in terms of user interaction is the improvement to the dark theme. The new dark theme features a less intense accent colour that is used less frequently to reduce eye strain.

In another boost to productivity, Preview 3 includes a new project properties designer for .NET SDK projects that’s easier to use and browse. It uses a single column design interface and provides clear descriptions making items easier to identify. It also comes with a search feature so you can save time if you know what you’re looking for.

In addition to the mentioned features, Microsoft has highlighted more features including the ability to work with multiple Git repositories at once, there’s a new diagnostic analyzer to find the root cause of issues, new project types for Angular, Vue.js, and React have been added, and you can do remote testing with various environments including Linux containers, WSL, and over SSH connections.

You can download Visual Studio 2022 Preview from the Visual Studio website, however, depending on when you read this, it may not be Preview 3. Hopefully, it won’t take long for Microsoft to make Preview 3 available for download again.

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