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NVIDIA Accused of hiring actors to post on forums

The Consumerist, an online editorial blog has claimed that NVIDIA hires actors to post on gamer enthusiast forums in order to raise positive awareness of its products. The website claims that employees are expected to post on at least 50 forums with a target of 100, and up to 5 posts an hour.


Public Relations Director Derek Perez eventually responded to the website after reading the article online, he stated:

"Boy - read your article - you couldn't have gotten it more wrong.

Do you really not know what AEG does? Did you go to their website? Do you understand their business?

Seems before you write an editorial article on this you would educate yourself."


It seems that wasn't the response they were looking for because the chip maker is now placed in the 'Evil' category of the website. Not surprisingly, a search for ATi turned up no results.


NVIDIA enlists AEG to manage Public Relations specific to online communities, while this is common practice for most companies to have some sort of fan-base PR, the claims appear to have gone wild with some sort of conspiracy that NVIDIA actually hires armies of fans to spam gamer forums with the hope that more people will buy their products.


A quick look at their clients page also shows Atari, Microsoft and Stardock among their client base. Are we to assume that they also hire people to sway opinion on community websites?


View: The Articles @ The Consumerist, and at Elite Bastards
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