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WhatsApp introduces Spanish vaccine finder to help meet U.S. jab goal

The CDC vaccine tool on WhatsApp

The United States wants to see 70% of its population receive a coronavirus vaccine by July 4 – Independence Day. To help the country reach this goal, WhatsApp now has a tool called Vaccine Finder, available in the Spanish language and developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

WhatsApp said that it has a “particularly strong role” in the Spanish speaking community of the United States so it’s hoped that the text service from the CDC will help boost the number of people getting vaccinated in that community. The service will help people to find a place to get vaccinated and help them arrange a free ride to the vaccination center. The service also provides general information about the vaccines to help dispel any fears about them.

If this service is relevant to you, you can begin interacting with it by pressing on the following link https://wa.me/18336361122?text=hola. The way the app works is similar to a tool the World Health Organization released before which allows users to get accurate information about the coronavirus directly through WhatsApp, this ensures more people have a reliable source of information.

According to data from the CDC, 65.4% of people over the age of 18 have received one dose of the vaccine while 55.8% are fully vaccinated.

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