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WoW's Valentine

World of Warcraft has released some giveaways and special things for the coming Valentines Day. World of Warcraft's Official Website posted:

Something is in the air in the major cities of Azeroth. Some call
it love, and some just call it friendship and admiration. Whichever it
is, many guards and townsfolks now spend their days giving and
receiving tokens and gifts to other amorous citizens.

The more skeptical, however, are suspicious of the strange "love
sickness" clouding the hearts of so many. Will this widespread
occurrence be simply taken as a recent outbreak of amore? Or will our
brave adventurers find a sinister plot behind the source of this plague
of passion? Only time will tell...

Some things that WoW is giving its users are Gift Exchanging between friendly NPCs, popularity contests and many new valentine themed buildings in the realm.

View: Event Information

News source: WoW's Official Website

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